Lords tax credits vote is an important first step

The vote on tax credits is a tremendous win for ordinary people struggling to get by on low pay – but it’s only a beginning

On World Day for Decent Work, join the fight against the Trade Union Bill

Trade unions fight for decent work every day, but the UK government’s Trade Union Bill would threaten our ability to do so

Thank you to everyone who made Sunday a success

Thousands upon thousands of UNISON members – and their families – took time on Sunday to come to Manchester and march

Help us fight these scandalously unfair tax credit cuts

These cuts to tax credits will mean ordinary public service workers lose up to £3,000 a year and thousands more in the lifetime of this parliament

‘Now is not the time to turn our backs’

The worse European humanitarian crisis since the Second World War demands that we do our utmost

Time for the government to get its priorities straight

Instead of focusing on helping the country at a turbulent time, the government plans to undermine your right to be supported and represented. Will politicians see sense and drop the Trade Union Bill?

Join us in Manchester

On Sunday, it will be just five weeks to the TUC’s demonstration in Manchester marking the opening of the Tory party conference

Council cuts could mean more children in need let down

Billions of pounds of cuts mean that few councils can cope with demands from young people

An attack we’ve seen off before

Trying to stop nurses, care workers, teaching assistants, hospital cleaners and town hall staff from paying their union subs directly from their wages is an attack we’ve defeated before and one which we will overcome again.

George Osborne wants to know how to ‘get more for less’

The Chancellor wants to find more ways to cut public services

Welfare Bill will push more families to food banks and payday lenders

The Bill has not been scrutinised – and UNISON will be campaigning to amend and oppose it

The rights of all workers are under attack – we need a broad civil society coalition to help us protect them

Unions and civil society must unite around a common vision of individual and collective rights that brings together all our aspirations for a good society

We need a budget that helps, not hinders, our lowest-paid workers

This budget will only help the rich get richer and the poor even poorer

Crazy new immigration rules could wreak chaos

Five years ago, the government took the short-sighted decision to cut the number of nursing training places. Now the NHS is paying a very high price.

Support our school support staff

We need better training and support from school managers and head teachers to help support staff work alongside challenging pupils