Victories like this give us hope that the tide can turn

Of course these are tough times for public services and those who provide them – but victories like this give us hope that the tide can turn, and that the resources which have helped so many generations of working people will still be there to support generations to come.

How Osborne’s Fake ‘Living Wage’ Could Trap Many in Poverty

The government are introducing a ‘national living wage’, but beware – it won’t pay people what they need to earn to live on.

Above and beyond the call of duty

A reminder of the generosity and support UNISON members give to those around them each and every day.

We’ll continue to fight racism and attacks on our union – because they’re part of the same struggle

Tackling racism is essential because it destroys trade union solidarity, divides us and sets us against each other.

A foolish, petty and self-defeating cut

Saving less than a million pounds a week whilst making it harder to recruit more nurses, plans to cut the NHS bursary must be one of the most foolish, petty and self-defeating cuts to come from this government

Tribunal proposals ‘a source of real anxiety’

Our members know what’s at stake in proposals to move tribunals into the civil courts system

A challenging year

It’s the start of a new year: and a challenging one for UNISON members, the services they provide, and for the union

‘Our members support our communities every day of the year’

Many UNISON members will be keeping the country going over Christmas and the new year

UNISON members are working flat out

As wind and rain batters the north of England I want to pay tribute to our members

Where we’re at with the Trade Union Bill campaign

We’ve already made a big difference… but the campaign is not over

Standing with our LGBT members

From criminalisation to celebration, it’s quite a journey – and there’s still a long way to go

Today is a crucial day in the calendar – today is equal pay day

Today is the point at which the average woman working full-time starts working for free

We’ll support the police staff who keep our homes safe

Experience after experience has shown that privatisation is a false economy

Ending check-off would make absolutely no sense

Ending union members’ right to have their subs deducted from wages would be disruptive, centralist and make absolutely no sense

Tricks but no treats

Join us on Monday to stop this nightmare that is the Trade Union Bill