Farewell to an old friend

One of the great difficulties of a life in a trade union is losing special people when they pass away

The Brexit campaign is peddling utter nonsense on the NHS

In recent weeks, those who want us to leave Europe – the Tory headbangers, UKIP and friends – have been claiming that the NHS will get more money if we leave the EU. That’s utter nonsense. These are often the same politicians whose government has strangled the NHS of funds over the past six years, […]

Tax avoidance – there are few battles that matter more

Avoiding tax is morally wrong, and pulls vital funds away from public services under pressure – not just at home but around the world. Fighting against tax avoidance is imperative, but it is not a fight we can win alone.

Building workplaces fit for the future

Jeremy Corbyn has rightly identified the issues that we’re fighting to eliminate each and every day – massive wage disparity between those at the top and the bottom, poverty pay and insecure work. But he’s also looked ahead to the kind of country we need to build together.

Queen’s Speech: A failure to tackle the real problems Britain faces

A Conservative Party at war with itself, already out of ideas little over a year on from election day and a Prime Minister so afraid of his own shadow that he’s abandoned any semblance of a serious legislative agenda.

3 key reasons why we’re recommending UNISON members vote to remain in Europe

We won’t be telling UNISON members how to vote, because that’s not how we operate. But we will be encouraging members to use their vote, and letting them know why we’re recommending a vote to remain.

Those with the most to lose in the EU referendum could be those who make all the difference

Young people, especially women, may feel disconnected from Europe but they have the most to lose if Britain Brexits. Parental leave, paid holiday, limits on excessive hours and the right to maternity pay are just some of the important benefits we receive from the EU which would be at risk if we left.

Nurses have given us so much – they deserve our wholehearted support

They’re the world’s largest group of health professionals, an absolutely essential part of every health service around the world – and we celebrate them each year, on 12th May, International Nurses Day.

No better role model for new activists

Every day as much loved UNISON activists move on, new activists begin their lifelong journey in our union. Like Carole, they will help members with problems big and small, defend their jobs and fight for better pay.

Congratulations Sadiq Khan

A UNISON member, Sadiq has always been a friend to me and to our union. He has fought a smart, passionate and thoughtful campaign for Mayor, focussed on issues that matter to UNISON members and all Londoners – housing, transport costs and the air that we all breathe.

Time for Labour to unite and focus on getting rid of this government

Labour must now unite behind a vision that can win in four years’ time and, in so doing, change this country for the better. There are millions of people across the country who need that to happen. And that’s what all Labour MPs should be focused on today.

Remember to use your vote – and use it to support UNISON members

Every vote cast in every one of these elections will have a profound impact on the lives of UNISON members, their jobs and the services they provide.

The government’s plans to axe the NHS bursary place our health service in jeopardy

We need to find a way to address the funding crisis facing students in the NHS – but not by plunging those same students into debt, and putting the future of our health service on the line.

Hardworking, dedicated school staff are being driven towards the exit door

Unless the government gets their act together, many of these invaluable public servants will leave their jobs – and their skills and talents will be lost to schools and children alike.

A day to reflect upon the future of our movement

We celebrate a movement that fought for democracy and the rights we enjoy at home and in the workplace, decent education and changed our country into a fairer and more decent place.