Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: Investing in you is investing in our schools and in our pupils

Join us this evening for an online rally, as we build for action on pay in Scottish schools

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: Influencing the next Labour government

At Labour’s national policy forum this weekend, UNISON told the party ‘We need a fundamental shift of power and prosperity back into workers’ hands’

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: The two-child limit is still cruel now and should be abolished

Punishing children to ‘encourage’ parents is wrong and all politicians should reject any policy that’s proven to impoverish families

Graphic with the words 'Our NHS' on one line, with '75 years' and 'one team' below. All capital letters in either solid white or white outline, on a blue background that fades from dark blue at the top to light blue.

Blog: From birth until death, the NHS is there for us all

On its 75th birthday, UNISON commits, again, to fight for Nye Bevan’s vision

COVID Wall with Christina McAnea in front

Blog: Matt Hancock made for grim listening at the COVID Inquiry

He continues to forget that his department as Secretary of State was not just for health, but social care too

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: 30 years of UNISON

1993 was a year of exceptional events – and UNISON being formed was one

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: We can’t truly commemorate Windrush until we have justice

If Windrush had never docked, we wouldn’t be celebrating 75 years of our treasured NHS this year, because many of that generation went to work in the health service

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: Dig out that red envelope and vote ‘yes’ for strike action

We need all of you to have your say, so we can smash through the restrictive anti-trade union ballot thresholds

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: Proud to welcome in Pride

June marks the start of Pride season. Let’s be proud of our achievements over the years on LGBT+ inclusion, and make sure we keep equality at the heart of everything UNISON does.

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: We must stop this managed decline of local government

I know it’s a difficult decision to vote to take action and be prepared to lose a day’s pay, but we’ve won through strike action before, and I have every confidence we can do it again

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Local government workers are ‘everyday action heroes’

They don’t do it for the prestige, they do it for the difference they can make to people’s lives, every day – its time to recognise their superhuman efforts

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

LGBT+ rights are at the heart of UNISON’s work

UNISON members are negotiating more inclusive policies that protect and support trans, non-binary and gender diverse members in workplaces up and down the country

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: Don’t give away your power

It’s down to you to put the right people into positions of responsibility in our union. But hurry – voting closes soon

Blog: Honouring Stephen, Doreen and Neville Lawrence

This year, UNISON will be giving Doreen and Neville Lawrence honorary life membership as a mark of respect for their enormous contributions to fight racism across UK society

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: This is democracy in action

The NEC makes decisions on your behalf and, working collectively, they must put UNISON members’ interests first – please use your vote