Christina McAnea

Blog: Let’s make 2024 a success

Vote in our service group elections and celebrate UNISON’s Year of LGBT+ Workers

Christina McAnea

Blog: The clock is ticking to the next general election

We’ve endured three Conservative prime pinisters since the 2019 general election

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: The final hammer blow to our crumbling social care system

Curbing the migrant care workforce will cause utter disaster

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: Taking demands to world leaders at COP28

Without all governments stepping up to this existential emergency, there is no doubt, we will run out of time to protect our planet

Blog: The shocking treatment of migrant workers harms us all

The government should stop demonising migrants, instigate reform and create a national care service

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: Another cycle of the Tories’ economic doom-loop

Jeremy Hunt’s desperate autumn statement, claiming to fix the economic problems that his party caused, won’t pull the wool over voters’ eyes

COVID Wall with Christina McAnea in front

Blog: Your experiences are vital to the COVID Inquiry

Hearings set for a circus of ‘axe-grinding and score-settling’ that drowns out the suffering

Blog: Trade unions wouldn’t be the same without Black members

‘We know that, together, we can make the UK a place where Black people are never left underrepresented, undervalued or underpaid’

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: Celebrating our local government champions

This week sees Champions Day, when UNISON recognises the local government workforce

Blog: To preserve our safety, we must protect police staff

Our new ‘We Are Police Staff’ campaign will demonstrate our unwavering commitment to promote and defend police staff

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: How much trouble is your local council in?

As council budgets are slashed by central government, bankruptcies will continue to increase. Only emergency funding now will save our local services

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: In the campaign for equal pay, UNISON stands firmly on the frontline

To achieve wage equality across the whole of our society, and to permanently close pay gaps, we need systemic change

Green UNISON logo

Blog: Climate change is real, destructive and is an absolute emergency

Green UNISON Week means seven days to champion and promote the engagement and activity that UNISON does all year round on tackling climate change

Christina McAnea on the picket line with striking clinical support workers at Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Blog: Let’s stick together to win the proper pay for the job

‘Wirral NHS clinical support workers just want to be paid the proper rate for the work they do and the responsibilities they take’

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: Commemorating the abolition of the slave trade

Today is an opportunity for all of UNISON to reaffirm its commitment to embracing diversity, promoting inclusivity, and actively confronting racism