Blog: your union will always be there for you, every single day of this new decade

UNISON is the biggest union in the UK – because public service workers like you have put your trust in us to stand with you.

Blog: In the battles ahead, we will not let you down

For our public services, for our communities, for our union – last week’s election result was a devastating blow. We now face a Conservative government with a large majority who have shown time and time again that they are a threat to the public services UNISON members provide. I am proud of the campaign UNISON […]

Blog: Standing with people who make me so proud of our union

What unites Ruth and Gareth, the Whiston Strikers, Carl, Steve and Laura is that they are willing to put their values – our union’s values – into practice. They are fighting injustice. They are taking on racism. They are opposing privatisation. And they are resolute in their demands for decent, properly funded public services.

Blog: This is a manifesto with UNISON’s priorities at its heart

I commend this manifesto to UNISON members – because it’s a manifesto that reflects the priorities of our union. It shows why Labour is the best party for public services.

Blog: This election is the fight of our lives

I know that in the days and weeks ahead, Labour can win this election where it counts – both on the streets, and by showing it has the best plans for working people. I promise you our union will be playing our part – and so will I.

Blog: This month, let’s grow bigger and stronger still

We want to keep getting bigger – ensuring that even more people get the support, organisation and representation that UNISON provides.

Blog: We have to work together, and take our fight out into the country

Of course, this election will determine our country’s future, but that can’t only be about Brexit. It has to be about the huge issues that are a matter of life and death for millions of people. As I travel around the country, I’m in no doubt about the state in which Boris Johnson and his party have left our public services.

Blog: We will always fight for local services

As the biggest local government union in the country, we will always fight for local services – and for the funding that’s needed to provide them. So it was fantastic to see so many people getting behind the heartbeat of our local communities, local government workers, on our first Local Service Champions Day yesterday. There’s […]

Blog: Our demands – condemning the invasion and suspending the arms trade

We stand with the Kurdish community and other minorities already suffering in the region who will be the victims of this further destabilisation.

Our union is at the forefront of fighting the far right

Our union has always been at the forefront of fighting the hatred of the far right in our communities – that’s why we’re proud supporters of HOPE not hate. So I’m delighted to have become a patron of the HOPE education action fund. Taking the fight against that hate into our schools is vital. Working […]

Blog: Our union will continue to stand with the WASPI women

Recently the fight has gone to the courts. Yet today the High Court ruled against them. This is a terrible blow for the millions of women who will have been hoping for a very different outcome.

Blog: Climate change is the greatest single threat humanity faces

The NEC declared this week Green UNISON Week and up and down the country our branches have responded. From canteen stalls, solidarity selfies, new volunteers for branch green reps, tree planting and using lunch hours to join climate strike rallies.

Blog: Incredible UNISON women leading the way

These are just some of the incredible UNISON women leading the way not only in our union, but across our labour movement. Their successes are something that we should be proud of and shout loudly about – as we encourage others to follow in their footsteps.

Blog: We need Parliament to be recalled to stop no-deal Brexit once and for all

The government will play every trick in the book and even plan to break the law if it means getting the result they want. We cannot let them succeed.

Blog: Privatisation demeans, damages and destroys – let’s bring services back in-house where they belong

Privatisation demeans, damages and destroys. Privatisation was never a necessity, nor will it ever be. The toxic mix of privatisation and austerity was a political choice, but there is an alternative to this wanton profiteering.