Blog: This cynical, divisive kick in the teeth

Chancellor’s pay freeze for most public service workers mocks the government’s commitment to ‘levelling up’ with old-style Thatcherism

Blog: You are doing your school and your union proud

Stars in Our Schools is celebrating the people who keep our schools running – and this year, we need to recognise their contribution more than ever

Blog: Time to celebrate and look after our young members

This young workers month, let’s listen and support one of the fastest growing groups of our membership and ensure they don’t pay the price of the pandemic

Blog: Why we’ll never stop fighting for a real living wage for all

You cannot praise public service workers for keeping our communities going… while simultaneously expecting the same people to survive on poverty pay

Blog: Still by your side during the second wave

We will continue doing all we can while our members continue to do all they can to fight this pandemic and keep our communities going

Blog: The Tories’ disgusting refusal to act on child hunger

While welcome, it should not be left to charity from individuals and organisations to put food in children’s mouths

Blog: We must save union learning

Decision to scrap the Union Learning Fund in England is all about an ‘ideological distaste for trade unions’

Blog: This Black History Month, we won’t go back to the old normal

Our Black members deserve so much better

Blog: A union with plenty to shout about

An active and vital union, supporting our fabulous members

Blog: No Going Back to Normal

Over coming weeks we will be taking this fight to the government. The more people who visit our new campaign website and sign the open letter to the prime minister and chancellor the better.

Blog: Windrush Day – our thoughts and our support remain with those who are still fighting injustice

The Windrush scandal is a scar on our society, and one whose injustice endures

Blog: Grenfell must not be allowed to be another example of justice denied

The Grenfell Tower tragedy must not be forgotten, nor must justice for those who lost their lives, their loved ones or their homes be delayed any further.

The government must act now to stop the illegal annexation of Palestine

The rights of the Palestinian people have been ignored by the international community for far too long. We cannot allow this attempt to destroy the prospects of a viable Palestinian state to go ahead.

Blog: As lockdowns ease, anxiety grows and confusion reigns

We need strong leadership from this government now and we are all being badly let down. But as ever, your union will continue to fill this vacuum.

Blog: We must recommit ourselves to the fight against racism in all its forms

Honouring the memory of George Floyd – and so many others – demands that we recommit ourselves to the fight against racism in all its forms. And I promise, your union will continue to play a leading role.