Christina McAnea

Blog: Friends with benefits

Concern over the use of lobbying continues to grow with this government. Reform is needed now and the sleaze must stop

Blog: Fair pay for low-paid workers

Pay for some of the country’s lowest-paid workers increases from today, but for many key workers a decent wage for an essential job is still a dream

Christina McAnea

Blog: The fight goes on for fairness in social care pay

UNISON will continue campaigning with renewed vigour for the major reform that the care sector so desperately needs

Blog: This worrying attack on free speech and the right to protest

The point of a demonstration is to be heard and to have an impact – the explicit aim of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill seems to be to minimise any impact

hands raised, facing palms out to stop violence, against a dark background

Blog: To walk without fear

The abduction and murder of Sarah Everard has jump-started a conversation about how it can be acceptable that so many women experience fear so often

Blog: The government misses a golden opportunity on NHS pay

Insulting 1% pay offer doesn’t recognise efforts of those fighting COVID for over a year, and will lead to an exodus of loyal staff while doing nothing to attract new recruits

Blog: We’re not martyrs, we’re fighting for change

This International Women’s Day we’ll all be ‘choosing to challenge’ – just as we always do in UNISON

Christina McAnea

Blog: Challenging racism matters to every branch

Challenging all forms of racism in the workplace is vital to UNISON’s work

Blog: Why Heart Unions Week is so important

Heart Unions week isn’t silly self-indulgence – it’s a chance for us to grow, be stronger and achieve more for our members

Blog: Now is the time to end this national scandal

Care workers need a living wage and the country needs a national care service. It’s time to Pay Fair for Care

Blog: The moral case for vaccine access

I’ve written to the UK government urging it to end its opposition to making COVID vaccines available to all

Never forget, never again: be the light in the darkness, Image of a lit candle.

Blog: We all need to carry on being the light

In unprecedented times, the chance that Holocaust Memorial Day offers us, to reflect on past atrocities and current hatreds, is needed as much as ever

Christina McAnea

Blog: I promise to work across all parts of our union, for all our members

‘A challenging time to take up the reins as general secretary, but I’m also fortunate to have the legacy of a strong, growing union’

Blog: Together we will get through this

The whole country is grateful for what you are doing.

Blog: Our members are the key workers who will get us through this latest crisis

This year’s Christmas holiday comes at the end of a long year when UNISON members have worked under the most extraordinary circumstances