UNISON centre sign

NEC told: ‘If you don’t vote Labour, you’re giving a vote to the Tories’

Christina McAnea tells national executive council: ‘We want to see as many Labour MPs returned as possible’

old-fashioned tap with water running from it

Opinion: The water industry is a national scandal

Privatisation has meant failing water infrastructure, increased sewage spillages and reduced confidence in the safety of drinking water, while shareholders pocket billions

WASPI women at parliament

Opinion: Why the fight for Waspi pension justice is far from over

The lack of sympathy toward Waspi women is not surprising. Society continues to undervalue the work that women do and takes their contribution for granted

Blog: Mentoring matters more than ever for nurses

UNISON nursing officer, Stuart Tuckwood, explains the importance of – and argues for – a renewed focus on mentoring programmes for newly registered nurses

Sara Gorton with pickets in Wakefield

Blog: This is how collective action works

Members taking action has forced the government to listen and take action to improve the pay of all of our hardworking NHS staff writes UNISON head of health Sara Gorton

Pickets around a brazier, with an ambulance in the background, in December NHS strike, at Edmonton, London

I’m a paramedic – here’s why I’m striking

‘We’re doing it out of necessity: not just for ourselves, but for the future of the NHS’

Dan Jarvis MP official portrait

Blog: Working with UNISON on the cost of living crisis

Dan Jarvis, the Labour MP for Barnsley Central – and a UNISON member – on working with the union to tackle the cost of living crisis

Blog: Why attacks on legal abortion are a trade union matter

A leaked opinion from the US supreme court has suggested that abortion there could be severely limited. Anne McVicker, chair of national women’s committee, and Liz Wheatley, chair of the international committee, explain why this matters to UNISON

Blog: Phased down and out at COP26

World leaders are not yet ‘sufficiently prepared’ to take the necessary decisions to cut emissions, says UNISON’s COP26 delegate Stephen Smellie

Blog: ‘Blah blah blah’. But some progress at COP26

UNISON’s delegate to COP26 Stephen Smellie reports on the first week of the climate conference, from inside the halls and on the streets

Blog: COP26 is here at last

On the eve of the climate conference, NEC member and green activist Stephen Smellie looks ahead to ‘potentially the most important meeting of world leaders ever held’

elderly woman

Blog: The great state pension rip-off

Cutting the relative value of the state pension is a false economy and likely to increase welfare support

Logos of UNISON and Show Racism the Red Card

This sickening return to racist abuse cannot be tolerated

Our England football players are taking the lead that our politicians need to follow

Heads and shoulders portrait of Roger McKenzie

Blog: The government can still address racism properly

Assistant general secretary Roger McKenzie looks at the background to the report from the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities and examines its failings

Heads and shoulders portrait of Roger McKenzie

Blog: The importance of Black people standing up for their rights

The UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination reminds us all of what is at stake in the fight against racism