An Inspector Calls – Information for UNISON Health and Safety Representatives

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has announced that they will carry out further inspections of NHS Trusts and Boards across Wales, Scotland and England from July to December 2021.   This follows a series of inspections which took place towards the end of last year, focussing on measures to manage health and safety risks […]


As mentioned in the last edition of Health News, NHS England and NHS Improvement have just released the ICS Design Framework, a new document to support the development of integrated care systems in England.

Ahead of the imminent publication of the Health and Care Bill – which will give effect to the recent Integration and Innovation white paper – this latest document sets out some of the main ways NHS leaders and organisations will operate with partners in ICSs from April 2022, when the reforms are scheduled to come into force. The document includes more information on how the two parts of the proposed ICS structure – the ICS Partnership and the ICS NHS Body – will be formed and how they will operate. Most significantly for UNISON members, it also includes further detail on how the transition to the new system will be managed from a staffing point of view.

This short briefing covers the main headlines on the new structures and ways of working, followed by a dedicated note on the proposed transitional arrangements for staff.

Ten ways to mark the final 2 days for 2k

With the Pay Review Body due to make its recommendation to the Westminster government in late June, the decision on NHS pay will then be firmly in the hands of the government and top of the PM’s mind.

Focus group participants needed – England

The College of Operating Department Practitioners (CODP) and Unison, through funding from Health Education England (HEE), has commissioned Allied Health Solutions to identify the extent to which theatre support workers seek opportunities to become Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs) and be a potential supply line to increase the number of ODPs.

Focus group participants needed – England

The College of Operating Department Practitioners (CODP) and Unison, through funding from Health Education England (HEE), has commissioned Allied Health Solutions to identify the extent to which theatre support workers seek opportunities to become Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs) and be a potential supply line to increase the number of ODPs.

Pensions update for ODPs

UNISON’s Pensions Unit for Members has been assisting some of our ODP members with Special Class Status (SCS) claims.

NHS Pay 2021: Update

An update on UNISON’s pay campaign for staff including an action for members to ensure UNISON is ballot ready.

The campaign to re-band Community Health Care Assistants

UNISON’s representative from Yorkshire and Humberside on the National Nursing and Midwifery Committee tells us about the ongoing campaign to achieve re-banding of the Neighbourhood Care Assistant.

Students in UNISON

UNISON’s Student Nurse Lead, Joy O’Gorman, reflects on the enormous progress that has been made for UNISON’s student members over the previous 12 months and what work lies ahead as discussions take place to address the workforce crisis.

Reducing restrictive practices: a union agenda

UNISON’s National Nursing and Midwifery Occupational Committee academic member addresses the use of restrictive practice in mental health settings.

New role profiles are out for consultation from the NHS Job Evaluation Group

JEG is currently consulting on new multi-disciplinary role profiles. 

Letters to the editor: NHS pay delay

On the 1st April, NHS staff are due a pay rise, but the government has dithered and delayed and NHS staff will still be waiting.

UNISON secures corrective holiday payments for NHS staff in England

UNISON has led negotiations to secure a framework for NHS staff in England to ensure that they receive their correct holiday pay.

Integration and Innovation White Paper – UNISON Briefing

The government has produced a white paper setting out plans for the future of health and social care in England.

HCPC registration fee rise

The Health and Care Professions Council has announced an £8.12 a year increase to their registration fee.