SOS Day for libraries

Our Save Our Services campaign day of action on 19 October this year focuses on libraries – a hub and a haven in our communities offering a place for people to work, relax, discover and think

Neighbourhood services in crisis

‘We must fight for well-funded, accessible local services that will benefit everyone in our communities’

Get ready for Public Service Champions part two

This month and next will be busy months for UNISON’s Public Service Champions campaign.

Blog: I dream in English – a German member’s thoughts on Brexit

‘Mostly, I speak and think and dream in English; you could say that I am English even in my sleep’

Blog: Our NHS is in crisis – and it is a disaster of the government’s own making

Nine out of10 hospitals faced overcrowding this winter – a sure-fire sign that government underfunding is beginning to affect patient care. Waiting times are up. And there’s a widespread cash shortage forcing difficult decisions on staff around the country.

Photo of Black woman working with technical equipment

Save Our Services: How cuts are hitting Black people

Black workers are usually the first to lose their job in a recession – and this has been true for services provided by local government in the latest recession

Save Our Services: Public pay the price of job cuts

Without a backbone of administrative and clerical workers to help take the strain, our vital local services will collapse

Brexit cannot be an excuse to trash our rights at work

Workplace rights was at the heart of UNISON’s campaign to keep Britain in the EU. We may have lost that argument, but our concerns remain. Before the referendum UNISON members told us that rights at work were their top priority – and in the aftermath, preserving those rights has been one of our top priorities.

Five tips to avoid overspending this Christmas

Snow isn’t falling all around us quite yet, but the Christmas ads have started popping up. And perhaps that sinking feeling has too: The panic of having to buy all those presents, who gets what, Christmas decorations, all the food – and breathe! Don’t panic. We know Christmas can be overwhelming. With members already feeling […]

‘They are not just heroes within our union – they’re heroes to their communities too’

I’m proud of the job people who work in the health service do 24 hours a day, seven days a week: UNISON will always fight their corner against this government – by any means possible

How I became a Brit with a German passport, and why I no longer am

Anke Plummer blogs about her experience as an EU migrant in the UK

Getting ready for – and winning – the next election

We must ignore the doom mongers, the next election is not lost – but the year ahead has to be about how Labour wins back the support of voters across the country.

What kind of way is this to run a decent and compassionate care service?

The blame for the social care crisis must be laid at the government’s door: ministers must get tougher with enforcing and more money must be put into care

Sports Direct must change their ways

I was proud that as a member of the Trade Union Share Owners group, UNISON was able to play a role in holding Sports Direct to account, by pushing them to allow independent investigation of their working practices.

To Russia, with love

An armed response unit, a Turkish coup and Turkmenistan’s ‘door to hell’ – all these (and more) featured in one member’s summer adventure