Female crew of eight in a rowing boat on the Thames

Opinion: Thames Water makes case for renationalisation … now!

When crews for the annual Boat Race are warned about levels of E.coli, and its own shareholders refuse to invest more in Thames Water, the case for public ownership is clear

Helga Pile

UNISON opinion: Let’s talk about flex

By embracing flexible working in the NHS, we are setting ourselves on the path to a happier, healthier workforce and a better service for patients

Bolton Council building

UNISON opinion: Why councils are on the brink – and how they can be pulled back

Everyone knows why councils are on the brink of bankruptcy – a massive 41% cut in government funding over a decade, while demand for services has grown. But there is an alternative for a sustainable future for the local services we all rely on

Shantha David

UNISON opinion: Why could tribunal fees be on the way back?

UNISON beat the government in a landmark legal win in 2018, securing the scrapping of employment tribunal fees. So why is the government trying to bring them back?

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: Proud to welcome in Pride

June marks the start of Pride season. Let’s be proud of our achievements over the years on LGBT+ inclusion, and make sure we keep equality at the heart of everything UNISON does.

Christina McAnea, smiling and have a cuppa =as she chats with members at Deptford

Blog: Government inaction just leads to more action

The pay crisis that our members are dealing with won’t go away if the government sticks to their current game-plan of ignoring workers and their unions

Staff Council guidance: withdrawal of DHSC Covid terms – advice for branches (England)

As Covid infections rise and some staff continue to experience long Covid, UNISON’s NHS members will be very concerned that the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has decided to withdraw the temporary Covid sick pay/special leave provisions put in at the beginning of the pandemic for Agenda for Change staff. UNISON has worked […]

HSGE will reconvene if NHS pay outcome is delayed

In the light of the current political chaos, UNISON’s health service group executive has agreed to step up calls for the Westminster government to release its decision on NHS pay and publish the PRB report. The committee will reconvene later in July to decide how to respond to either a pay outcome or further delay. […]

How should NHS pay rises be set? Consultation FAQs

The Health Service Group Executive (HSGE) wants to hear the views of branches about UNISON’s position on how NHS pay rises should be set. At our Health conference this year, the motion ‘One Team One Say – which way on pay?’ was carried and instructed the HSGE to launch the consultation. Since 1983, the Pay […]

Ministers are provoking a fight with unions to serve their own ends

The government should focus on helping the country through the cost-of-living crisis

Monkeypox – what safety reps need to know

According to the NHS, there have been some recent cases of Monkeypox in the UK, but the risk of catching it is still low.   However, we want our UNISON safety reps to have access to advice in the event of local cases presenting in health and care settings.   Advice from NHS England is […]

Joint Trade Union Update Statement – COVID-19 Terms and Conditions (England)

Since March 2020 there has been development of specific guidance and advice to support NHS organisations and NHS staff during the pandemic.  However, in light of the government now setting out their new phase of managing COVID-19 in England, the DHSC has indicated a wish to review the guidance and advice on COVID-19 for NHS […]

Social Media Graphics – Get it Right for the Jubilee

On this page you will find social media graphics for our ‘Get it Right for the Jubilee’ campaign, ordered by platform. You can also download the full bundle here. Twitter   Facebook   Instagram  

raised hands in rubber gloves

Omicron: Extending our solidarity to PPE supply chain workers

At UNISON, the paradox that our members are saving lives using products made by workers whose rights are violated is very uncomfortable

Nursing – Professional updates

UNISON National Officer for Nursing Stuart Tuckwood summarises of some of the most important topics we have worked on and discusses our contributions.