UNISON urges government to make schools safe now

‘We now have the absurd situation of government departments ringing schools days before term begins, telling them to prepare for potential building closures’

Christina McAnea, arms folded, in front of conference stage - 'Fighting for our future'

Blog: The two-child limit is still cruel now and should be abolished

Punishing children to ‘encourage’ parents is wrong and all politicians should reject any policy that’s proven to impoverish families

Fighting to protect workers’ rights

UNISON is ‘deeply concerned’ about the impact of the Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill as it gets its second reading in parliament today

Christina McAnea at 2023 LG conference

General secretary urges delegates to ‘get the vote out’

Christina McAnea stresses the importance of making sure the NJC ballot passes the 50% threshold

Delegate at 2023 LG conference

Conference calls for national pay bargaining in FE

Every year, hundreds of meetings on pay take place in FE colleges all across the country, which is expensive and time-consuming

Lisa Nandy at 2023 Local government conference

Labour promises to rebuild local government

Lisa Nandy says Labour has been ‘inspired’ by UNISON’s work on insourcing, bringing services back into local authority control

A lasting legacy for Black workers

Black workers in local government face multiple forms of discrimination, including bullying, racial harassment and a lack of opportunities for promotion

Glen Williams speaking at 2023 LG conference

Time to fight for a fair pay rise

Local government conference opens in Liverpool with a refusal ‘to be made poorer by this government’

UNISON sign at the union's centre in London

NEC backs the right to strike emergency protest

Industrial action and the defence of the right to strike continue to be priorities for the union

Tree branch graphic

Branching out – UNISON’s branches look to the future

What is the branch resources review and why is it a good thing?


This is what we do – top 8 brilliant things from 2017

It’s impossible to review UNISON’s year and do justice to all the amazing things UNISON’s activists and members get up to. So, we haven’t tried. Instead here are 8 pretty important, awesome things we’ve done together.

Raise your voices for public services on Saturday

People’s Assembly-organised march will take place as the Conservative government pledges extra money to Northern Ireland to gain DUP support

Jeremy Corbyn: ‘My thanks to everybody from UNISON for all that you did’

This is the full text of Jeremy Corbyn’s speech to UNISON’s national delegate conference on 23 June 2017

Building a national housing consensus and homes for all

We need to restore direct investment and subsidy for public housing

Privatisation still the threat but we are turning the tide, conference hears

The ‘scourge of outsourcing’ and the successes we need to add to