NDC calls on Turkey to act after Soma disaster

The UNISON conference heard this morning that the Soma mining disaster in May highlighted what happens when private profits are treated as being more important than human lives

UNISON demands release of jailed Colombian trade unionist

Colombian government is ‘failing in its obligation to protect trade unionists’, delegates told

The 21st century witnessing ‘new forms of slavery’

PSI general secretary addresses national delegates conference with rallying call for ‘truly global fight’ for workers’ rights and public services

Conference hears of the impact of austerity on women

The national delegate conference backed a series of actions aimed at campaigning on the disproportionate impact of austerity on women

Delegates debate solutions to the housing crisis

In a debate on the housing crisis and its particular impact on women yesterday afternoon, conference agreed a programme of campaigning to tackle the problems

UNISON calls for immediate withdrawal of redundancy notices at Stirling University

UNISON Scotland has called on Stirling University to remove redundancy notices from more than 50 of its staff

Conference agrees the place for women is in a union

Women are not on the verge of austerity – they are at its centre – and that’s why they need to be in a union

UNISON makes urgent commitment to the fragmented workforce

The plight of fragmented workers ‘goes to the heart of equality and fairness in the workplace’

Delegates highlight misuse of attendance management

National delegates conference warned that attendance management is a tool that can be used by employers to discriminate against disabled members

NDC backs fight against making crime pay

UNISON national delegate conference supported calls to continue and build the campaign against the privatisation of probation services

NHS future top issue at the general election, as strike ballot looms

UNISON delegates spoke in defence of an NHS that is “under almost constant attack” from the Tory-led government while health members were told to expect to ballot on industrial action later this year

Sickness absence at record low, but at the expense of workers’ health

A survey has shown that sickness absence is at a record low. However UNISON claims this is at the expense of the health of its members

One million workers being ‘degraded’ by zero hours contracts

UNISON steps up its campaign to challenge the ‘insidious rise’ of zero hours contracts

Pay campaigns strike a real chord with young members

Worth It and the living wage campaigns remain key aspects of UNISON’s fight for fair pay

Prentis tells UNISON that this autumn is the time to make a stand

Dave Prentis drew a line in the sand this afternoon, when he addressed the UNISON national delegate conference in Brighton saying that this autumn, we would make a stand