Act now to save adult careers service

UNISON is campaigning to stop the rot of neglect in the careers advice service for both young people and adults

Sixth form pay claim

UNISON has submitted a pay claim to the Sixth Form Colleges Association (SFCA) calling for a substantial increase on all salary scales with a commitment to the living wage for all staff

Elliot Foundation agrees to the living wage

The Elliot Foundation is the latest multi-academy trust to announce that it will pay the living wage as a minimum to its lowest-paid employees

Bath University top earners are quids in

A joint UNISON, UCU, and Unite report has shown the growing pay gap between the highest earners and other staff at Bath University

Tell Europe what you think about TTIP

UNISON activists can now tell the European Commission why they don’t want the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

NJC2014: Strike materials on their way

A range of core support material is on its way to branches involved in the 10 July strike – and more can be ordered

How you can help local government members

Council and school workers on NJC pay terms in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will strike on 10 July – and you can support them

Social worker power forces partial government u-turn

Proposals to allow local authorities in England to privatise child protection services have been abandoned – but outsourcing remains a threat

Get the votes out – or face the music

Conference is warned if the Tories win the next election, their theme tune will be “you ain’t seen nothing yet”

Conference stresses importance of political education

Conference this morning called on the NEC to promote and develop political education, as they are central to engaging people in union activity

New MEP calls for a social Europe that will defend people

Theresa Griffin, who ousted BNP leader Nick Griffin from his European parliamentary seat in May, told the UNISON national delegate conference that we need a social Europe that is not just for the markets

Conference says we shall overcome politics of hate

UNISON conference says we shall overcome racism and the divisive and destructive politics of hate

UNISON quizzing both campaigns in Scottish referendum

NDC discussed the forthcoming Scottish independence referendum this morning, in a wide-ranging debate that challenged both campaigns

Delegates stress need for a Northern Ireland bill of rights

With violence on the rise once more, UNISON’s national delegate conference called for a proper bill of rights to help tackle sectarianism in Northern Ireland this morning

Conference agrees to raise awareness on mental health

UNISON’s conference called on the union this morning to increase its work on mental health awareness