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Campaign this weekend for the New Deal for Working People

UNISON members will be joining fellow trade unionists across the country to promote Labour’s comprehensive plan to strengthen individual and collective rights

The energy sector at a ‘pivotal moment’

UNISON’s energy conference considered the crucial balance between addressing the climate crisis, the energy crisis and members rights’ in a just transition

Building on the Year of LGBT+ Workers

Local government delegates celebrate The Year of LGBT+ Workers and vow to ‘double commitment’ to fighting for LGBT+ rights

Young members are ‘the future of our union’

Local government conference in Brighton hears that more must be done to develop young activists in UNISON

‘Essential services are crumbling before our eyes’

Christina McAnea tells UNISON’s local government conference that a Labour government ‘absolutely must’ deal with the council cash crisis

Christina McAnea

UNISON opinion: PM should call an immediate general election

Voters in council elections have deserted the Conservatives over their party’s failure to properly fund local services

Unions to campaign for Labour’s ‘new deal for working people’

Christina McAnea calls the new deal ‘a priority for our union… a chance to reset the balance of power to benefit workers’

End-of-year accounts for 2023 – branch audits

Information for honorary branch auditors, from UNISON head of audit John Nagle

‘I am a young, Black, thriving woman. And my mental health matters’

Conference hears that Black communities are more likely to experience mental health difficulties, due to racism and other factors

Black members’ conference vows to continue the legacy of the Year of Black Workers

Continued activism is crucial as the government accused of ‘writing a new chapter in the history of racism in the UK’

UNISON given go-ahead to join judicial review of government inaction over Windrush

High Court will hear how former home secretary Suella Braverman reneged on key recommendations from the Windrush scandal inquiry

Are newly registered nurses still ‘thrown in at the deep end’?

New survey investigates the current state of support received by new nurses, midwives and nursing associates

UNISON centre sign

UNISON condemns the resumption of violence in Gaza and calls for an immediate ceasefire

Health workers continue to risk their lives as they attempt to respond to the huge increase of those requiring treatment

Christina McAnea urges chancellor to make ‘real and positive change’ for disabled workers

‘Threatening benefit cuts or accusing disabled people of “not doing their duty” achieves nothing,’ writes UNISON general secretary

UNISON launches its One Team Awards for NHS staff

New awards will honour members working in non-clinical support and operational services