Solidarity with Wirral clinical support workers. Pay Fair for Patient Care. UNISON members hold flags at a meeting.

Share your solidarity with Wirral clinical support workers on strike

Over 400 Wirral clinical support workers will take 48 hours of strike action from the morning of 31 August and they need all of our support and solidarity. Share yours here.

Pay fair for patient care. Getting it right for healthcare support staff

NHS staff at Merseyside hospitals announce 48-hour strike after years of being underpaid

Over 400 health staff at Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust will take strike action at the end of August in a dispute over back pay

Health unions to consider invite from government to enter formal pay talks through NHS staff council

Health unions will need to clarify the basis upon which talks can get underway

It’s time the PM ditched the pretence and came clean with the public, says UNISON

If the government has no intention of resolving the NHS dispute, the prime minister must come clean

domestic services staff at Luton and Dunstable Hospital enjoy ice creams and hold 'all eyes on Boris' placards

NHS pay campaign: all eyes on the PM for June’s #2DaysFor2k

From the 23-25 June, UNISON health members, branches and regions all over the country got out and about campaigning for what was likely to be the last ‘2 days for 2k’.

Highlights: Stars in Our Schools 2020

Stars in Our Schools was a bit different this year but it was still a glorious celebration of all that school support staff do for our children

School staff should be allowed to wear face coverings, says UNISON

Commenting on the government’s decision to allow secondary pupils to wear face coverings in school corridors in local lockdown areas of England, UNISON head of education Jon Richards said today (Wednesday): “This is a welcome step forward but still leaves a confusing picture. “The focus on pupils is understandable but the government has already admitted the biggest risk […]

Aiming high to be there for our members

Sixty-nine branches have donated to our COVID response fund so far – is yours on that list?

Support staff have little confidence in government school safety plans, says UNISON

Only 2% of employees felt reassured

Don’t forget to thank school support staff too, says UNISON

UNISON has written to the education secretary urging the government to show its thanks to all school staff, and to clarify urgently what personal protective equipment they should be using.

Branch noticeboard competition winners announced!

Congratulations to London Ambulance Service branch’s Battersea station who are the overall winners of our Grovember branch noticeboards competition

UNISON celebrates its landmark victory over the scrapping of employment tribunal fees at the Supreme Court in London in 2018 with then general secretary Dave Prentis. Westminster, London. United Kingdom

Blog: A year on, our employment tribunal fees win is changing lives

A year ago today, our union won a huge victory for working people, when we defeated the government on employment tribunal fees. This was a result that could only have been achieved by our union. Only UNISON was able to commit the significant resources over a prolonged period of time that was necessary to win […]

Blog: UNISON members keep our services running over the summer – they deserve our thanks

We are now, undisputedly, in the summer holiday season. In the weeks ahead, millions of people will head off around the UK and out of the country on holiday – taking a break from their day to day. I know that many UNISON members will be looking forward to a break too – with family, friends, loved […]

Blog: Goodbye to a truly inspirational activist

Last weekend I heard the news that Denise Knutsen had sadly passed away. Denise was a truly inspirational activist, dedicated, hard working and with a heart of solid gold. I first got to know Denise during the groundbreaking teaching assistants strike in Brighton. Denise led that dispute with energy, determination and her legendary humour, roping […]

Rental costs price public service staff out of housing, says UNISON

High rental costs mean many public service employees in England are spending more than a third of their wages on rent, according to research published by UNISON