UNISON celebrates historic month of growth

UK’s largest union poised to show annual growth for first time in 10 years

placards, flags and banners feature on Parliament Square as part of the national libraries, culture and art demonstration

Turning over a new leaf – taking the fight for libraries to the streets

Writers, readers and workers take the fight for the country’s cultural soul to Westminster

Win prizes and save money during November with UNISON!

UNISON has turned November into Grovember. We’re welcoming new members to Britain’s biggest union – and thanking existing members – with exclusive money-saving offers. And there’s a chance to win £1,000 in time for Christmas if you recruit a friend

How we can be stronger, together

UNISON is turning November into Grovember with a big recruitment drive. Here are some helpful tips to support activists and members alike, working to recruit their new union colleagues

letters saying vote

Higher education members to be balloted on strike action

National pay offer rejected by two thirds of members in recent consultation

Another subco stopped before it’s started

UNISON members in Leicester celebrating after plans to move them out of the NHS are dropped

Northamptonshire County Council plans are going too far, warns UNISON

Plans to announce yet more cuts and closures to services will leave the most vulnerable people in the county with nowhere to turn

Getting hot, hot, hot – July at UNISON

Whilst UNISON enjoyed the sun and the World Cup as much as the next union, we also didn’t let them stop us working as hard as ever on behalf of our members. Here are just some of our highlights from July

Further education needs an urgent injection of funding

Pay claim for FE staff submitted as survey reveals members struggle to pay the bills

Plans to cut care workers’ pay on hold

Strike action on hold pending further talks

When I went to Parliament and spoke up for care workers

UNISON member and care worker Nicole Stanfield Caile went to Parliament recently to put the case for care workers

Strike action called off in East Dunbartonshire

Talks between unions and the council due to continue this week

1993 and all that…

UNISON turns 25 this month, but the merger of COHSE, NALGO and NUPE wasn’t the only significant event from a quarter of a century ago. Here’s a sideways look at some of the highs and lows of the classic year that was 1993

Making 2019 the year for young workers

Conference agrees to organise and recruit more workers under 25

‘We’re just getting started,’ declares Dave Prentis in key conference speech

Barnstorming speech at UNISON’s national delegate conference celebrates the triumphs of the past 25 years – and the successes to come