Step up for students. Become a UNISON student advocate to help the union better represent its students. You’ll become a strong voice for your student colleagues – it’s a key role that will help improve the support you and your fellow students get from UNISON.

UNISON Student Advocates

UNISON is the largest trade union for healthcare workers and students. We represent and campaign for nurses and midwives; physios, paramedics and more.

The UNISON Student Advocate role is an exciting opportunity for you to step up for health students.

As a Student Advocate you’ll:

  • Be supported to develop a strong voice to advocate for your colleagues
  • Get access to exclusive learning and development opportunities
  • Network with other student leaders and together help UNISON to campaign for students

More about the role

  • All healthcare students on our student membership in participating regions can become student advocates
  • You’ll be invited to attend network meetings with other student advocates in your regions to share your experiences and views
  • There is no specific time commitment. You’ll be free to make the most of the role, attending development opportunities if you can, around your studies and clinical placements.

Register to become a Student Advocate

Future Health Leaders programme

All UNISON healthcare students also have the opportunity to apply for our Future Health Leaders programme.

If you want to take the next step in your journey for UNISON, this 9 month programme is the opportunity for you. You’ll meet and question inspiring healthcare leaders, undertake local campaigning activities, improve your activist and advocacy skills, learn about healthcare policy and how to influence it, and develop your understanding of key equality issues.

Read more and consider applying here –


Do I need to be a UNISON member to become a student advocate?

Yes – but the good news is it’s only £10 a year to become a student member of UNISON and you receive a number of benefits of your membership.

Why can I not become a student advocate in my part of the country?

This is an exciting new role for UNISON students, so we’re only rolling it out in a few regions as a beginning. We want to properly evaluate the role to make sure we get it right before expanding this opportunity.

I’m worried about fitting this around my studies. Do I need to make a specific time commitment?

The Student Advocate role is a first step towards getting more involved in your union. You won’t be expected to make a big time commitment. UNISON will provide flexible online learning and development opportunities which you can fit around your studies. You will have the chance to do more if you like advocating for students but this will all be up to you!