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Happy Christmas and a better New Year

During this festive season, while the vast majority are enjoying time with family and friends, spare a thought for the millions of workers who will be making sure we can do just that in safety and comfort.

Public service workers will be making sure the sick and vulnerable are still cared for; that the streets are clean and safe; that the power and lights remain on.  Emergency service workers remain ready to respond to cries for help and transport workers make sure we can visit family and friends.

And, then there’s the army of low paid staff working in the bars, restaurants, clubs, hotels and entertainment industry.

For many people, the only contact they will have with another human being, is the friendly face of their carer – many of whom are on zero hour contracts, paid no travelling time, but still caring for others. 

And spare a thought, but better still if you have some spare, donate some food to your local foodbank to help those in need.

Thanks to all of them and to all UNISON members who daily make lives better for everyone.

I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a much better New Year.  

The Trussell Trust – find your nearest foodbank

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