UNISON warns TUC of ‘shady’ international trade agreements

UNISON has again stressed the dangers posed by the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and other similar trade agreements. 

UNISON’s James Anthony advised delegates at the TUC Congress in Liverpool not to think of TTIP being about trade – “we wouldn’t be against that”. Instead, he said, “it’s about handing over democratic control to corporate power, shady trade tribunals and regulatory bodies”.

He also warned it wasn’t just the TTIP with the United States but also CETA with Canada – which was much closer to agreement – and the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) with many other nations.

“TISA has what’s known as a ‘ratchet clause’ in it, which, if agreed, would prevent outsourced services ever coming back in house,” Mr Anthony warned.

“I’m proud that UNISON has opposed TTIP from the outset, that we’ve worked with organisations like War on Want to take our message out into communities and that we’ve gained huge support,” he said.

“Now it’s the time for the whole union movement to say no to TTIP, CETA and TISA.”

To find out more about TTIP read the UNISON briefing and watch the video on YouTube. 

The UNISON TTIP briefing

Stop TTIP video