Probation strike action suspended

UNISON’s Probation Committee has agreed to suspend the strike called for Thursday 11 June, and the action short of strike action due to have started on Friday 12 June, in order to allow further talks to take place to seek to resolve the 2014 pay dispute.

This follows discussions with the employers at ACAS, the government’s Arbitration, Conciliation and Advisory Service, on 5 and 8 June.

At these talks, the probation employers agreed to a request from UNISON to extend the period in which we can call further industrial action in order to allow pay negotiations to restart.

As a result of the suspension of the industrial action, UNISON members in the NPS and CRCs should report for work normally on Thursday 11 June and also work normally from 12 June, because the action short of strike action (Don’t Work for Free) due to have started on 12 June has also been suspended.

UNISON hopes that the restarted pay talks will lead to a positive outcome. UNISON’s Probation Committee will meet to review the outcome of these talks and will make a decision on how to go forward. If necessary, the industrial action could be re-scheduled in July.

UNISON gives a commitment to all our probation members to continue working as hard as we can to settle the 2014 pay dispute.

Thank you to all members for their support in the industrial action ballot and industrial action preparations so far. Your support has been instrumental in getting the pay talks restarted. Now let’s see where those talks take us.


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