Public urged to join protest to oppose probation privatisation

UNISON is urging the public to back protests against the privatisation of probation services at probation offices across Wales on Thursday (19/09/13) lunchtime.

The lunchtime protests, organised with jointly with fellow unions Napo and the GMB,  have  take place on theday that Justice Secretary Chris Grayling is due to publish adverts to sell off the 21 community rehabilitation companies throughout the UK. The adverts, which wll be published in the Official Journal of the European Community, will mark the first stage of the government’s proposals to sell off probation services to the private sector.

“Probation services are already under huge strain, having already been reorganised in the context of ever decreasing budgets, said UNISON regional organiser Glyn JOnes.

“UNISON members are understandably increasingly concerned and angry about the prospect of their jobs and the services they provide being forced into the private sector.

“Our members are not only concerned for what this might mean for their jobs, but also the effect that these changes could have for local communities across Wales.

“This is why we want the public to stand alongside us at the protests to oppose the privatisation of probation services.

“Our evidence shows that our members in probation services have no confidence in the UK government’s approach and, as a result, industrial action cannot be ruled out.”

For more information, email Emma Evans, or see the listing on our events page.

UNISON Cymru/Wales events