UNISON West Midlands launches regional education website

UNISON West Midlands have launched a regional education website at http://www.learninunisonwm.org.uk.

The site includes all the regional activist and membership education arranged by UNISON and the TUC.

Features on the new regional education website include:

  • links to relevant providers, for example, Open University, Ruskin College and WEA;
  • regular reports and features on learning in UNISON;
  • your own learning page to organise your applications and details of completed courses;
  • online applciation for UNISON courses; application goes to the regional education team and branch;
  • online application for TUC courses; application goes to the TUC provider and branch;
  • branches can view members’ course records;
  • branch resources to help publicise and administer branch-based courses. 

Every branch in the West Midlands Region will have to register to allow their members to use this new learning website.  

If you a UNISON member and have difficulty with registration please contact your branch.

Branches should contact Christina Smith, education team,  c.smith@unison.co.uk

Regional education website

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