The UNISON leadership programme for health students

Applications to the programme are now open and will remain open until the 5th of February.

You chose to study for a career in healthcare because you want to make a difference. Now it’s time to take the next big step towards a future where you can lead positive change for those you care for and your colleagues.

UNISON is the biggest team in health and social care with over 500,000 members working across all parts of the UK. We’re constantly making a difference, whether it’s defending NHS services or challenging racism in our workplaces.

We want to empower you to work with us as the next generation of leaders in healthcare.

Are you passionate about equality and fair treatment? Do you want to see more services developed for an unmet health need? Are you frustrated by how staff and students are treated in your workplace?

Then apply for the ‘UNISON Future Health Leaders programme’ and learn how you can make change happen.

This annual programme will accept a limited number of UNISON healthcare students from around the UK for a programme of training and activity throughout the year

You’ll meet and question inspiring healthcare leaders, undertake local campaigning activities, improve your activist and advocacy skills, learn about healthcare policy and how to influence it, and develop your understanding of key equality issues. The programme will give you the skills and links to work with UNISON to lead real change in healthcare.

Application process

Programme summary

  • Six events throughout the course of the year, starting on 22 March 2024
  • Five half-day commitments at pre-determined times with interactive online engagement, learning and debate
  • A face to face concluding event at the UNISON Centre in London on 25 October 2024

We know protecting time off can be challenging for healthcare students but to get the most from the course you will need to ensure you can protect the time for these sessions.

Progressing through this programme will give you useful networking opportunities, develop your skills and be an excellent addition to your CV for your future career.

Topics that will be covered will include;

  • Developing an understanding of equalities and how to be an advocate or an ally
  • Understanding healthcare policy and how to achieve change
  • Debating and influencing
  • Learning directly from interaction with inspiring health and union leaders
  • Creating and leading campaigns

Eligibility criteria

Eligibility criteria:

  • A member of UNISON
  • Undergraduate student on any healthcare course leading to a career in healthcare
  • Must have the capacity to attend 6 ½ day sessions through the year with the last being a full day in London

(Expenses will be covered)


Future health leaders programme