UNISON says thank you

UK’s biggest union publicly thanks members for tacking national emergency

Today, UNISON is saying thank you to public service workers “leaving their loved ones to care for ours” in full page adverts in the Daily Mirror and Daily Mail.

The ads recognise and celebrate the role of vital public service workers in the current coronavirus crisis.

UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said:  “Whether they are NHS and emergency services staff working directly with patients; cleaners, caterers and carers keeping our hospitals, care homes and schools going, or council staff providing vital support to our communities in this crisis – our members are public service champions and we want to say thank you.

“UNISON is working hard to continue to provide the support our members need in unprecedented times – whether that’s support and guidance on workplace issues around coronavirus, supporting individual members in workplaces across the UK or helping out with welfare concerns.

“But we also wanted to show the public the amazing work our members are doing.”

