Boasting about inflation? Cameron needs a reality check

Cameron’s reaction to the latest inflation figures shows a massive reality gap between his government and what is being felt by the majority of people across the country.

Welcoming news that CPI was down, he said: “As the economy grows and jobs are created this means more security for hard-working people.”

Hard to believe that he can use a word like “security” when UNISON is fighting a constant battle against cuts to members’ jobs, pay and conditions.  

Nor is “security” the word that comes to mind when underemployment is rife, with the highest number of people in part-time jobs since records began and youth unemployment approaching one million.

There is an obvious truth behind inflation –  if pay is not keeping pace with it, people are bound to be worse off.  And for UNISON members and for many others, that has been the reality since the Tory government came to power.  For workers across the UK, the value of their pay has dropped by 7% and local council staff have been harder hit with their pay cut by a massive 18%.

Behind the statistics are millions of families struggling with inflation busting increases to energy bills, the cost of childcare, housing, travel, petrol and more.

But now there is a steady groundswell of voices saying that the minimum wage needs to be raised to the living wage.  And there is a growing understanding that by putting more money into workers’ pockets this boosts the economy as well as the Treasury – that is the lesson the government needs to learn about restoring confidence and boosting security.

And that is is why UNISON’s Worth It campaign is so vital and why we need more members to get involved in events with their branches and regions across the UK.

Our Worth It campaign