UNISON is in great shape for 2014

I wish everyone a very Happy New Year.  UNISON is in great shape to face the challenges ahead, to defend and protect its members and to champion the sick, the disadvantaged and the underprivileged.

All the services in which our members work will come under even more pressure this year as the Tory/LibDem coalition policies and funding cuts bite into the bone. 

Local government in particular is taking a huge hit to its finances while being expected to continue delivering services to communities. Our precious NHS is being attacked on all fronts. Privatisation looms for probation and other services.

Environment Agency members are stretched to breaking point by the recent storms.  And higher education members continue to battle, along with others, for decent pay.

Our union will be fighting for decent pay in our YWorth It campaign and building up resistance to further cuts and privatisation. Our recruitment campaign will give a huge boost to activities in branches and regions.

Our aim in 2014 is to continue to build our union as a fighting force to deliver for our members and the communities they serve. And we are starting from a strong base.