Low-income NHS staff paying the price for wage delays

Staff earning least in the NHS are losing access to schemes to reduce or spread their costs

Wendy Nichols during her presidential year, chairing national delegate conference

UNISON members recognised in honours list

Members receive awards for contributions to the trade union movement, water regulation, and work in the community

UNISON centre sign

New presidential team elected

Steve North is president, with Julia Mwaluke and Lyn Marie O’Hara in support

Conference hails striking members

General secretary Christina McAnea called UNISON strikers from the last year forward to rapturous applause from the floor

Christina McAnea

Opinion: The New Deal will be transformational

‘I expect to see the Employment Rights Bill … a genuine living wage, pay equality, and fair pay agreements set up in social care’

Feargal Sharkey brings star quality – and rage – to conference

Fringe hears speech from the former singer and now passionate campaigner against water pollution

UNISON passes motion to recognise Palestine as a state

Impassioned debate on Palestine sees delegates pass a substantive motion

‘Justice for the Palestinian people is justice for all’

Palestinian ambassador Dr Husam Zomlot delivers message of defiance and hope

Delegates at national delegate conference raise blue voting cards above their heads

‘System change, not climate change’

Delegates backed a motion on trade unions’ role in finding solutions to the climate emergency

NHS employers need to pay staff fairly or face strike action

Rebanding campaign has now won £80m in back pay for staff

Weapon and drug use ‘widespread’ among students on college premises

Dangerous behaviour needs to be tackled to ensure students and staff are safe.

Farida Gullam

UNISON renews its support for domestic abuse refuges

‘A woman should not have to give up her home or her employment because of abuse’

Cementing the legacy of the Year of Black Workers

Two motions concerning Black members were debated on the same morning UNISON beat the government over Windrush in the High Court

Guest speaker Monroe Bergdorf speaking at national delegate conference on Tuesday afternoon.

Celebrating Pride, rainbow lanyards and pronouns

Conference delegates gave their full backing to the union’s Year of LGBT+ Workers

Conference hears the promise of a national care service

Delegates heard Labour’s manifesto commitment to build a national care service ‘wouldn’t be in there if it wasn’t for our union’