Local government

UNISON represents people employed in all areas of local government.

We make sure the needs and rights of workers in this sector are recognised and defended. By working together within UNISON, local government workers can achieve more.


Local government service group members include employees from councils, schools, further education and the Food Standards Agency. Find out how the service group works, the issues we face and some of our achievements.

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    Coronavirus guidance for local government workers

    This page provides advice for local government and council staff in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak.

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    End Violence at Work Charter

    Has your employer made the commitment to end violence at work and signed UNISON’s charter? To qualify for the UNISON Violence At Work Charter mark, employers must meet the following standards: The employer has a written violence and aggression at work policy, which is available to all staff. The policy should also cover lone working. […]

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    Key issues

    This section is about the key issues affecting people employed in all areas of local government. Each key issue explains the facts behind the issue, what UNISON is doing and how you can get involved. You’ll also find news articles, useful resources and events.

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