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The climate crisis is already affecting UNISON members. Find out how you can get involved in Green UNISON work.

National Care Service

The current fragmented and privatised care system is unfit to meet the needs of the public. It’s time for a national care service.

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Bringing Services Home

UNISON believes that public services belong in public ownership. It’s time to bring services home. UNISON members have seen first-hand the negative impact of outsourcing on service quality, staff terms and conditions and investment. We deserve better. Better terms & conditions – Bringing public services in-house means that staff will have access to appropriate terms […]

Council and School Pay

UNISON is leading calls for fair pay and improved conditions for council and school workers. Our services depend on their invaluable work.

Save Our Services

Vital services are facing catastrophic cuts. But you can stand up for your community, campaign to protect jobs and demand more funding to save our local services.

Local Service Champions

Workers who run our vital local services are often undervalued. It’s time to give our local service champions the recognition they deserve.

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One Team

UNISON is campaigning to ensure everyone who works in our NHS is valued, whatever role they do.