
Campaigning is a vital part of our work. It is one method we use to raise awareness of issues, fight for employment rights and gather support for local, national and international issues.

Campaigning can help persuade people to take a particular course of action or change their attitudes or opinions.

UNISON campaigns

The aim of UNISON campaigns is to improve working lives and defend working rights.

We often achieve these improvements by putting pressure on employers and government. We also often gather support from key decision makers.

We often have several national campaigns running at once.

We provide campaign communications and design materials from this website or delivered to your local branch, including information leaflets, presentations, images, slogans and posters.

We offer training on campaigning to help branch officers plan and deliver campaigns and funding for branches which need it, from a number of resources.

General political fund (GPF):
This is for political campaigning at branch, regional and national level. The GPF can be used to fund research and lobbying of Parliament.

Labour Link:
This is the political fund affiliated to the Labour Party. Branches with Labour Link members can send representatives and motions to party meetings to gain support.

Regional pool:
This provides financial support to branches for planning and activities that develop the branch in line with UNISON objectives.

Our campaigns

Joint campaigns

Campaigns dealing with broader social problems, such as gender discrimination, often benefit from a joint effort with other organisations.

Some of our campaigns have been more powerful because we worked with other organisations supporting the same issue. For example All together for the NHS is a joint campaign co-ordinated by the TUC, bringing together unions and campaigners from across the health sector.

Branches may work with local organisations representing people who use public services on joint campaigns.

International campaigns

Finally, UNISON also supports campaigns worldwide from like-minded organisations such as Community HEART, a charity which supports self-help projects in South Africa.

International campaigns